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¿alguien a sufrido daños en algún impulsor?. Parece que es casi imposible que te dañen alguno.
Muchas veces... que gira más lento pa un lado q pal otro, o q directamente no puedes modificar el rumbo y te quedas girando o parado en la direccion q estuvieses...

Yo estoy planteándome si no estaría bien tener tres bulldogs de estos o badger como comenta Goldry en vez de los dos Omnisky VI de la 300i
No se yo eh..has visto como los revienta Santer con 3 omnisky de esos? Yo es que no puedo probar poruqe no tengo otra 300i, pero peta de lo lindo.

Noticiarios / Re:10 For the Chairman - Episodio 24 - 9 de Junio 2014
« en: 11 de Junio de 2014, 21:47:24 »
No obstante, si tengo que andar rebuscando para ver los stats de una pieza, en lugar de integrar un sistema comparativo en el juego, son ganas de tocar la moral, la verdad.

Poco les costaría..

Solicitudes de ingreso / Re:Solicitud de ingreso de Rayc0
« en: 10 de Junio de 2014, 02:46:03 »
Bienvenido rayc0!  :cervezas: :cervezas: :cervezas:

Yo lo he atravesado Stil y no pasa nada, no mueres xD

Solicitudes de ingreso / Re:Solicitud de ingreso de Araugnir
« en: 06 de Junio de 2014, 11:26:20 »
Bienvenido Araugnir, en breve pasarán los de recursos humanos a asignarte un pesado mentor que te explique todo  :P:

Solicitudes de ingreso / Re:Solicitud de ingreso de GregTravis
« en: 03 de Junio de 2014, 23:50:02 »
Bienvenido Greg!

Ya verás como aquí te encuentras como pez en el agua  :^^:

Cuando lo vea alguien de RRHH te asignará un mentor que te explicará más cosillas, mientras tanto, a esperar al Arena Commander...  :39:

Solicitudes de ingreso / Re:Solicitud de ingreso de losthk
« en: 26 de Mayo de 2014, 22:01:26 »

Solicitudes de ingreso / Re:Solicitud de ingreso de losthk
« en: 26 de Mayo de 2014, 21:54:52 »
Quereis hacer el favor de no poner a esta rubia que me tiene locoooooo.
Es la novia de Schweinsteiger  :<3:

Noticiarios / Re:10 for the Chairman - Episode 21 - May 19th, 2014
« en: 25 de Mayo de 2014, 20:19:12 »
Que interesante las dinámicas. Tengo ganas de ver como resolveran aterrizajes en planetas.
Con una bonita animación  xD

Solicitudes de ingreso / Re:Solicitud de ingreso de Miss Cafeina
« en: 24 de Mayo de 2014, 20:24:48 »
Bienvenida! Ya tenemos 3 parejitas en el clan  :^_^:

Anímate a pasarte y comentar o hablar por el Telegram que verás como te lo pasas bien  :P:

Noticiarios / 10 for the Chairman - Episode 13 - March 24th, 2014
« en: 20 de Mayo de 2014, 16:17:16 »

In the DFM, where is our hangar located?
Are we already in space on a station?   
If so, how do we get the ship out of the hangar without creating a vacuum?

That is a good question, but the concept with the Dogfighting Module is actually that you're flying, essentially a simulation inside your hangar.
So what will happen is, you'll be in the hangar, you'll get inside your Hornet, or any of the other ships that we'll have available for Dogfight v1, if you don't have any of those ships, we'll loan you a ship to fly in Dogfight v1. You'll climb in, and basically fire it up and at that point your HUD comes up and creates a "Joining simulation" interface.

So we mentioned Arena Mode as a part of the game, where it allows you to practice flying around, fighting with your friends, but not taking your actual ship out into space and risking loss of equipment or life. That is what we're calling "Arena Commander," it's a bit of a nod to a game I may have made in the past.
You connect up through there and it's all done in fiction that you're connecting up to a battle net, and you will fight against other people.

What happens is you step into the ship in your hangar, connect up, then the outside of the ship once you've connected, you come back out, and bam you're out in a virtual space, flying around dogfighting. Once you've finished the battle, you return back into your hangar, and of course there won't be any bullet holes on your ship because it was all a virtual simulation.

It is the beginning of the stub of the Arena Mode which will be in the game, throughout the game. It's one of the features that will be useful, and I think longer term people would probably use this feature to do e-sports or challenge each other without having to lose their precious cargo or precious ships.
So we don't have to worry about a vacuum at the moment because it's all virtual.

Given all the focus on the Oculus Rift, will similar time be given to technologies like TrackIR and CastAR?
Do you expect basic head-tracking functions to be available for the DFM?

We've already announced that we're gonna be supporting TrackIR, so that's definitely on our list.
CastAR, I would have to take a look at 'cause we haven't announced support for it necessarily at the moment.

If something's cool, we're pretty peripheral agnostic, we want to support a lot of different options. Whether it's a HOTAS outfit, or keyboard and mouse, gamepad, regular joystick, Oculus Rift, TrackIR, rudder pedals, that's part of the spirit of PC gaming, so CryEngine is quite good at having a lot of different inputs.
In the Dogfight Module, when you play you'll be able to have your HOTAS set up, and a mouse and a keyboard, and all the rest, you can be flying them all--using them all at the same time if you want.

So we'll do that. As far as the head-tracking functions for the Dogfighting Module, I'm not sure about Dogfighting v1. We'll probably have the Rift working for it, 'cause we already have the Rift working in the hangar, but we're really trying to do some extra stuff on the Rift to have proper stereoscopic dual rendering as opposed to a post-stereoscopic rendering. And there's still some head lag issues that we're dealing with. We've made it better, but there's some that we're dealing with at the engine level that we're working with Crytek on.
I don't think we'll have TrackIR and stuff ready for the Dofight v1, but that is definitely on our list of stuff to work on.
So you can see that come in along the line when we start to patch stuff.

What do you envisage the "end game" to be for the industry side of the game?
Especially for players that are more focused on that aspect?

Well first of all I hope there isn't any particular "end game" in Star Citizen. I don't think people think there's a necessary end-game in EVE. Maybe it's running your corporation, but there's always someone trying to take your spot, or push you off that top perch, which is pretty much the way I think Star Citizen is gonna work.

I think if you're into the economy side and you want to be more of an entrepreneur, and build up businesses or industries, that's really going to be around buying and owning a production node. Which essentially is a factory, and then running that in terms of making sure that you're getting the right raw materials, and you're doing well, then perhaps you can expand and buy another production node somewhere else and build up your economic empire. In that case I would think you would probably be spending a fair amount of time managing resources and hiring other people to do the work. Like bring cargo from A to B, have people to defend it, and all that stuff.
So I would say that would be the high level game if you're interested in that level of the game verses just the flying around, combat side.

Will I be able to see pilots/organizations agression status in relation to myself/my organization?
(Like red = foe, orange = pirate, green = friendly, grey = neutral, blue = friend, etc.)

The game tracks all the relationships between the organizations. Either the game defined ones, which will be the NPC ones, or the player ones.
It tracks whether you're friendly or you're not friendly, and all of that will translate, when you're flying around, in your radar you'll see the friendlies, the default friendlies would be green, and a hostile would be red. So the status of relationships between organizations whether it's NPC or player, is mapped to friendly/not friendly/neutral, and that maps to colors in your HUD. I think it's automatically handled would be the best way to say it.
You can of course in your organization say "I'm not friendly with this organization," and when you see them they will come up as enemies or hostiles to you. So to that level you could potentially set the aggression status.

Will the Mustang and other ships not yet available for pledge be made so before the alpha?
It looks pretty cool and I would like to add one alongside my Aurora LN and Cutlass.

We are working on all the ships that we've announced at some level. Some are in the concept stage, some are in the modeling stage, but there's a lot of work happening.
We've got a lot of artists, but there's even more work than we've got artists, and also for the Dogfight, there's a lot of extra work that goes into building all the different damage parts and models of the ships, and LoD's, which you don't necessarily see the benefit of until you're in the Dogfight.
So a fair amount of our artists are focused on that. But the idea is as the ships get built and put in the engine, we'll make them available in the hangar, and then you can fly them. When they're available in the hangar, you should be able to pledge for it and put it in your own hangar, and then once we have all the damage states and the LoDs, you'll be able to fight with them in the Dogfight Module.

I would say that they'll probably be available before the game is finished, definitely. Probably not by Dogfight v1, but probably sometime thereafter. So the Mustang we are working on right now.

If I happen across some cargo that has "fallen" off the back of a Freelancer, is it fair game to any who can pick it up, or is it considered stolen?
Will "stolen" merchandise be automatically identifiable by the authorities and other players?

That's a good question. We've actually had a debate about that because we're in the process of fleshing out the cargo system.
That would be what the standardized sizes of the cargo are, how you load and unload your ship, how you're able to dump it in space if a pirate says "give me your cargo or else I'll kill you," how are you able to bring cargo in from space back into your hold.

We've been working on all those aspects, some pretty cool design stuff. So one of the things we were talking about was, you could have a fancier basic cargo container.
Think of our basic cargo containers as containers in the real world right now. If you see what gets put on trains or container ships or trucks driving around, normally for example someone makes a bunch of TVs in Korea, they pack 'em up and put them in a big container. Then the container gets taken by a truck to the train station. The train station takes it to the boat and puts it on. The boat comes across to America and then they unload it and it gets put back onto a train and then it goes to a distribution center, then on a truck and it's in Best Buy, an electronics store, or Amazon delivers it to you.

So we have the same concept of containers, just because it's simpler to have uniform sizes. There can be bigger ones and smaller ones, but they all have volumes that are defined that our holds are built for. And the fancier ones, if you want to invest in a more expensive container, we were considering having tracking, like Lo-Jack on it or something. But most of them won't have that. Most of them, if the cargo's floating out in space and you come across it and take it in, then at that point it's finder's keeper's unless it's marked.
Obviously if you were the person that forced the cargo to be in space by illegal pirate attack and you're in a well regulated or policed areas and someone saw you do this or the ship you attacked got a distress call out, then you probably will be wanted for the piracy act.

So there you are, I guess if you happen to find some cargo floating there because of some other battle, and you pick it up, you'll be ok so long as it's not tagged with the more fancy container stuff.

Regarding star maps: Will organizations be able to apply their own markers & notations on the star map so that all selected members of the organization can share information such as resources, nodes held by allies/enemies, troop movements, etc.?

Yeah, one of the ideas with your navigation map is, as you fly around...
Most navigation have the basic trade routes or locations noted down. Like the main planet in the system or whatever.
But there's a lot of the system that will not be mapped in your basic navigation map, and if you fly around, this is one of the things that explorers can do. If you fly around in different areas, you may find an asteroid field which isn't on the navigation map or something else, then you essentially map that on your map and you have it as your localized navigation point/coordinate/area of interest and you can write your own notes about it, then share it with members of your organization. So if you discovered an asteroid field that has some rich minerals to mine, and no one else has seen it, you can broadcast that to everyone else in your organization and say "hey let's go here and do this mining," and everyone else won't know about it.

Now of course you would be able to sell some of that to a general cartographer company. Think of the navigation computers as a modern day GPS, you get an updated the disk of locations to drive in. So another option is explorers could go around mapping stuff out, then when they've mapped out the system fully, they can go and sell that and that could become available for purchase for a large group of people in the same way that we talked about for jump points.
That's all things you can do, so you should be able to share map information between the members of your organization.

Can you share any of the plans for orgs 2.0?
As an org leader, I have concerns about how multiple org memberships will work, and how I can manage my people.

Unfortunately I'm not the best person to answer that, because that would really be Ben Waur at Turbulent, but the stuff that we've talked about for orgs 2.0 is multiple organization membership is a must.
We're not going to have a friend's list per say, so basically you'll be members of multiple organizations, and one of the organizations can be "my friends." There will only be one primary organization, and then the other organizations will be affiliates of the primary organization that's the authoritative boss one.
Whoever runs the primary one can say "if you're a member of this organization, I won't accept you," "You can't have that as an affiliate." So you can dictate as an organization, "you can be part of my organization and a member of the merchant's guild, that's ok, but you can't be part of my organization and a member of the pirates guild." Or whatever it is, I don't know if the pirates would have a guild, but that's the approach you could do.

So I think as an org leader, you can control who are members of different organizations. And there's some other mechanics that we haven't quite revealed in that which I think we'll make some fun of. I'll just say there's a concept that could potentially be a "Special Ops" side of an organization, where you can do some sort of clandestine spying stuff, and misrepresenting some stuff.
Anyway, we're gonna put tools on both sides, 'cause we think that could be a bit of a meta game and it could be kind of fun. We're not revealing too much of that just yet, so there you go.

Given how the universe/instance server is being setup to match-make on the fly and determine who will see who when entering a given area of space, are we guaranteed to instance with pilots in our friends list & organization (preferred method), or will there be some gameplay mechanic (such as creating a squadron or something similar) required in order to force that to happen?

No, the whole point of having organizations and being members of them like I mentioned in the previous answer, essentially your friends list would be an organization, it would just be a less formal organization.
Here's my list of friends, and that would probably be something you would keep as an affiliate organization when you're a member of a primary organization, which would would be the Imperium or something like that.
So what it does when it match makes and you're flying around, it looks around and says"I'm going in here, and these are the other members that are a part of your organization," and it tries to put people together that you know, it tries to put people together that you've designated as a person of interest.

You can also, before you start out, you can basically hook-up and say we're flying as a group. Say me and this friend, this friend, and this friend, this is our little unit that's flying as a group, to let the game know that you're flying together.
Then it will do things, like determining based on ping would be another criteria, but of course if you say "I'm flying with this group," that takes priority over everything else.
Then also what your preference is in terms of combat, whether you want to be doing PvP or want to be fighting NPCs in PvE. That depends on what sort of area of space you're in, but we're not going to match up someone who just wants to be doing PvE in a fairly safe area with someone who just wants to be doing hardcore PvP, 'cause that wouldn't necessarily be a lot of fun for the PvE side, and on the PvP side, there'll be plenty of opportunities to fight other people because we're making sure that there's a lot of benefit to being in the less regulated areas. More risk, more reward so to speak.

All those criteria are factored in when we're doing the instancing. We decide, this group of players is coming from here to here, and they may intersect this other group. You run through the matchmaking criteria, and if you determine that they should see each other, you create an instance, you put the groups into it and let the conflict resolve itself, then they go back onto their journey.

Question about PC touch screen support (not tablet).
With PC OS such as Win8 now natively supporting touchscreen, has there been any thought put towards allowing this same support in Star Citizen directly?

No, not yet. It would probably be something that we would consider, although everyone hates Windows 8 here.
We're mostly developing on Windows 7.
I have it on a few of my laptops, it's kind of cool to scroll around, but most of the things that have the touch screen don't usually have the… They're the small sort of tablet like or netbook like computers, which don't have the computing power to do Star Citizen.

So that's not necessarily a focus of ours, I'm not saying that we wouldn't potentially do some exploration in support of it down the road, but I would say that would be a later task. I mean already the game's got a huge amount of stuff to get done, and there are so many features to do, that would be one of the less critical ones, and would probably fall to once the game has finished. Maybe we'll take a look at it, and who knows, Windows 9 could be much better. It's always the odd ones that are the good Windows and the even ones suck, so we'll see.

Noticiarios / 10 for the Chairman - Episode 14 - March 31st, 2014
« en: 20 de Mayo de 2014, 16:14:16 »

How is your sound studio developing and what are your plans?
Have you heard of "Real Time Voice Porting"?
Good sound is an essential part of the gaming experience. Could you please present or say something about your plans.

On the sound studio front, we're gonna be building a small sound studio in the new Austin offices, plus we're also expanding into an additional space here in Los Angeles and the space we're expanding into already has a built in sound booth and room that we'll be taking into our office. So we'll have the ability to record actor's voice, for VO and stuff, and do sound balancing here and in Austin, and we'll make sure they're both connected. We have actually a gigabyte internet, fiber, running from here to Austin. So we'll be able to do a fair amount of that.

I actually haven't heard of real time voice porting, so I guess I'll go and google it and find out what it is. It could be you're in Austin and you've got an actor in Los Angeles, and you're basically directing your VO long distance, which we will have the ability to do in our stages.
But yeah, we're gonna have a full featured sound set-up here, and sound's an important part of the game, so we're really focusing on quite a few things.
We're gonna be enhancing the sound system inside Star Citizen. We're gonna make a move to WI's from Fmod. It just has some more real time filters and plug-ins that are good for the sound guys. The sound guys like to use it for the sound editing, and we're really working hard on how to make a realistic sound-scape, and also we're gonna have some great dynamic music.
Anyway, we're pretty focused on the sound, although you haven't really appreciated it yet. But you will be seeing it down the road.

With so many high value accounts existing well before the game is released, would you consider supporting security hardware such as RSA SecurID Authenticator or other such two-step verifications methods?

Well I don't know, that's a good question. That's not so much what I focus on. John Erskin who's head of all out online operations and digital publishing works closely with Turbulent and together they've been working with Jason Spangler, our CTO, on our digital platform.
We're always looking at various ways to increase our security, and thinking ahead of the game. Like when it becomes a bigger game than it is now with a lot more people, in case of fraud or stealing accounts. We've been lucky, we really haven't had much of that so far, but as you become bigger, it always happens.

Luckily we've got some people who have had experience at that. John actually came to us from NC Soft, and before that he was at Origin where he was working on Ultima Online, so he's actually had a lot of big online MMO experience.
So we're thinking about it, we don't have anything firm to say yet, but that's definitely in our plans.

Will Humans be the only playable species upon launch?
If so, do you plan on adding additional "humanoid" species, such as the Banu or Xi'an, to be playable?
I think, as a future add-on, it would work nicely as an expansion pack.

Humans are going to be the only playable species upon launch, but we've said this before, we are planning to eventually let you play some of the other races like Banu or Xi'an, and that would definitely be a major content expansion.

Our plan is that we're gonna have regular content updates, maybe not weekly, but hopefully at least bi-monthly, as we go, but then we'll also have some much bigger content updates which would be, say another single player campaign like Squadron 42, or the ability to play one of the alien races.
So that's all part of our plan, but right now we've go so much just to deliver what we've signed up for that would be stage 2.

Mining and Manufacturing will be an important part of the Persistent Universe.
Will the mining platform in the SQ42 concept art be available for us to purchase in the Star Citizen universe?
What plans do you have for Star Citizen?
Will we have warehouses and silos that we can purchase and expand upon?

I'm not sure about whether a mining operation of the size of the Shubin one that's detailed in Squadron 42 would be available for players to purchase or use right off the bat in the game.
We're definitely planning on allowing players to be able to do mining operations and get groups together to do it on a small scale or a large scale, and you certainly will be able to, as you build up, have a silo or warehouse or have your mining operation.
I think there will definitely be cases where a player will be able to buy a mining station,
then slowly build it up over time, hire other people to help them out, and do all the rest of the stuff.
So it's there, I just don't know whether it will be a base the size of the Shubin one. But maybe that could be down the road. We're still working it out.

We've actually got a pretty cool mining mechanic.
We're gonna do voxelization of asteroids, and there's a whole sort of... It won't be just holding a space bar for two hour and you've now mined something. There will be a lot of logistics involved in terms of getting the minerals, then taking it to someone to get refined, and all the rest of the stuff.
All along the mining and logistics chain, people will get involved. So I think it will be a cool game for people who like to do that, and that's the idea with Star Citizen, to have all these different things you can do with it. It sort of suits all different tastes.

Because Star Citizen is a sandbox, will it be possible to infiltrate an organization with your character?
Will there be some tools to use your main character for that?
For example, I'm in the organization A that is at war with organization B. Will I be able to hide that I'm a member of organization A without leaving my organization so I can infiltrate organization B?
Otherwise it will require a second character.

Yes, we are actually thinking about having spying and infiltration all built in to the game mechanics. It's not in organizations yet, but there is some stuff that we'll drop in the website that will maybe allow a little bit of that in there, and then in the game we will definitely allow people to do a little bit of that.
It's kind of fun, it's a whole 'nother meta-game that can happen, and quite frankly when you read about that stuff happening in EVE, it always seems much more fun than when you watch the videos of it. We're gonna try to build that in, it may actually be cooler when it's more visceral and first person.
So there will definitely be the possibility of that in the game and that's something that we're working towards.

Given the episodic delivery of Squadron 42, will consequences of our actions between episodes migrate to new portions of the story?
For example, if I was on a "losing track" during the first iteration of SQ42, would that be the path I would start on for the next installment of the adventure? (Even if I was doing awesome during my stint in the PU while the next episode was being developed.)

It's probably unlikely that the Persistent Universe is going to be up and fully functioning by the time Squadron 42 is being played in an episodic manner.
The whole concept of us to play Squadron 42 in an episodic manner is, we can't really give everyone the whole thing as a broken alpha because it's a story, so you'd ruin the story.

So the idea is, we will have Squadron 42 in a more polished state when you first start playing it, but it'll only be the first 10 missions 'cause it takes so long to get all these things done and polished correctly. Then we're gonna run it more, think of it like episodic TV or a mini-series event. The team basically will be finishing and polishing the levels, then when they've got it done, they'll be pushing it out to all the backers out there.
And that will be something you're playing while waiting for the full Persistent Universe to come up and running. We'll probably have an alpha or portions of the Persistent Universe, maybe a system or two that you can travel between, but in terms of having the full Persistent Universe that you can really go around and explore all the edges, that won't be until after Squadron 42 will be completed.
The biggest thing we're doing is the Persistent Universe, it has the most amount of content, so that will definitely take the longest.

Our roadmap really is:
Dogfighting, which we're working on right now to get Dogfighting v1 out, the single seater fighters.
Then Dogfighting v2, which will be the multi-crewed ships, the bigger things like the Constellation, Freelancer, and something like the Idris, although the Idris may not make Dogfighting v2 at the beginning and it would be a drop later.
Then after that, we would debut the First Person Combat section, which will probably have an alpha test level that's on an abandoned mining colony that's pretty cool that we're building right now.
And then there will be a combination [DFM v3/Boarding module] of that with the ships, so you can have dogfighting / ship boarding happening. You know, capture one big ship in the middle, then people have to do the fighter cover.
Then we'll probably have a Planet Side module,
And then at that point we will start to got to the episodic delivery of Squadron 42. The first 10 missions, then the next 10 missions,
And then at some point in that we would probably be giving some alpha of the Persistent Universe,
And then by the time Squadron 42's finished, hopefully the Persistent Universe will be ready at least in a beta format for all the backers.
Then sometime after all that, all these things will be done and polished and we'll call it "done." Although nothing's ever done in an online world 'cause we're always gonna be constantly tweaking and improving it.

As far as that goes, you're not really going to be able to play Squadron 42 and then just drop out in the Persistent Universe between the 10 missions you're doing, 'cause you're in the military. It's just like time will have suspended for you when you come back and pick up the story where you left it off. Generally the losing paths that are in the segments of missions we're doing will be in that, whatever you want to call it, episode or whatever. They're fairly self-contained in terms of chapter segments, the different missions. So those probably, at the end of each one you've either failed and left the military, or you're bam onto the next thing, you've got a cliffhanger on what's happening in the next 10 episodes.
That's kind of the structure that we've been working towards.

Given your background as a producer in Hollywood and with the FMV's in the Wing Commander games, what do you think the potential would be for a Star Citizen TV series?

Well, I think the universe, if we manage to do it right, will be pretty compelling, and I think at that point, it will just be about if people want to spend time in the universe.
I mean obviously flying around themselves, but there's quite a lot of people who like to read David Haddock's fiction online, and that's just in the written fashion. Longer term we've been toying around with doing some sort of linear content that would enhance the game experience. Where there potentially would be character that would... Like Kid Crimson's a good example that we had back on our website a while ago, and he'd be a great character to run around the universe. It would be great to have his stories, but not just be written in text, but actually visually see them in the environments of the world, and then occasionally in the game run across the Kid Crimson character.

So that's kind of what we're thinking. That's obviously down the road, it's game first, and then segue to that, but we'd probably want to try and do it in a holistic manner so it works with the whole universe.
We wouldn't really want to license it out somewhere, and we'd probably want to use a lot of our assets. So if we were gonna do it, we're not sure whether it would be all digital characters, or whether it would be actors against green screen, and then the rest would be the universe of Star Citizen using incredibly detailed environments and ships and all the rest of the stuff.

That would be down the road, but we think there could be some great potential there. Obviously there's a lot of stuff out there that people like, and I think people, for anything, if the story and the universe connects enough, I think people like to experience it in more than one manner. I certainly have myself for something like Star Wars.
So longer term, that's something we would consider, but short term, heads down just building the universe in the first place and getting the game out there.

Are there any plans to bring back some of the voice actors from previous Roberts productions (Tcheky Karyo, David Suchet, John Rhys-Davis), use other well known voice actors (Jennifer Hale, Ron Perlman), or start with fresh actors?
PS: Can we have a character(s) voice acted by Chris Roberts, Sandi Gardiner, or Eric "Wingman" Peterson? Beter yet, all 3!

Well we haven't disclosed who we're going to get. I don't really want to do that until we've finished the Squadron 42 script, which we're in the process of writing. We've got the outline and everything, but we haven't finished it, it's gonna be 700 pages+.
It's fairly large, but that's what happens on something that is this scale. But yes, we are going to have some, we're definitely going to be bringing back a few people that I've worked with before, and also we'll be bringing in some really interesting, good character actors.
Obviously I have a lot of experience from making my movies and I have a lot of relationships, so for instance I've worked with Ron Perlman, he's a great guy, we made Outlander together. And there's a whole bunch of other people who I think would be great to use in our game.

We'd probably, if we bring the actors in, we're doing full body motion capture, full facial capture, and also head-scanning and all the rest. So if we did have Ron Perlman or someone who's a fan favorite in, it would look like them, which would be kind of cool. We'll do that, and I'm sure there's gonna be some cameos from the various development people here.
I mean if you remember Wing 3 and Wing 4, and actually the Wing Commander movie too, I have a cameo in every one of them. I'm pretty confident that we'll be putting myself, and Sandi, and Eric, and probably a few other people in the universe.
It's a big universe, so we've got to populate it with a lot of different people.

Given the nature of the persistent universe with fringe systems also being the most lawless, are PvP and exploration intrinsically linked?
Will I need to always be ready to fight for my life while exploring and bring an Idris full of battle-hardened friends whenever I go?

I don't necessarily think so, because that's making the assumption that if you're exploring and finding new systems, that the system is teaming with pirates or PvP. Which won't necessarily be the case. Some of the exploring stuff is gonna be off the beaten path, and therefore won't be somewhere that everyone will naturally go to.
So in certain cases, in the exploration mode, we're probably going to have it tuned in such a way that the ability for a PvP encounter in that exploration mode wouldn't necessarily be as high as being in a notorious, lawless, pirate system.
Now that's not to say there won't be any chance of it at all, 'cause there definitely will be. There has to be some risk, there has to be some tension when you're in the unknown, you don't know who you're gonna come across.

I think that's definitely gonna add to the game experience, but the goal would be to balance that. There's a whole bunch of things that we're gonna try and do. I know we always have raging debates between PvP and PvE on the forums and everyone's pretty much dug in. It's intractable, it's like an argument on religion or politics, but my naive hope is that I have pretty good system that will hopefully make both sides pleasantly surprised and deal with most of the issues that everyone's worried about.
But we'll see, we have to wait until we get there. So I would ask everyone that you wait until that happens and also we do key balancing. We've got some tricks up our sleeve, I think we'll make it work well, and everyone's got to remember there's gonna be a huge amount of people from both sides, PvP and PvE, playing this game.
I know that everyone on the PvP side feels, "Well if there aren't PvP people there that I can fight, then who am I going to be able to take out easily?" Which doesn't make much sense, because there's no reason why NPCs aren't going to be as tough as a normal player, and vise versa on the PvE, "Well if everyone's PvP, they're just out to gank me." Which also I don't think is necessarily true.
But we certainly can make sure that people that have a preference one way or another tend to be grouped together when they play, and that effects what they're doing in the game.

It's sort of a delicate balancing system, there's a lot of metrics that will go into it. I have some pretty good strong ideas, I mean all I can say is that people should take faith in the fact that the game will be balanced in the way that I'd like it to be played, and the way I'd like it to be played is, I'm not extreme on either side. Some days I like to be competing doing PvP, and some days I like to be doing PvE and I don't want to be dealing with other people.
So the game is going to allow you to have those experiences in such a way that it won't be detrimental to the other experience.
There you go, I'm sure there will be a massive forum war raged on this right after this episode.

Will Squadron 42 or the Star Citizen PU contain content that pays homage to some of your past games (Wing Commander or Freelancer) that fans will pick up on in NPC dialogue, UEE news bulletins, hidden easter eggs, or the like?

So all I can say is yes in fact. If you've noticed, we already done it.
If you look at the Squadron 42 cinematic trailer we did back in 2012, there's lots of Wing Commander homages there. We've definitely got some. Even in the dogfight that's coming up, we have a homage to Wing Commander.
You'll see in the virtual network that you join to do the dogfighting simulation, the company that has created it in 2944 is all kind of a homage. We'll definitely continue to do that, and it will be fun.

Noticiarios / 10 for the Chairman - Episode 15 - April 7th, 2014
« en: 20 de Mayo de 2014, 16:11:26 »

Dave Haddock mentioned some stuff about writing in-universe fiction involving player actions, such as interviewing a player who discovers a new jump point and then putting out a Spectrum post about it.
Do you know how some large-scale player actions that affect the universe are going to be handled from a lore and gameplay standpoint?
Like Operation Pitchfork?

Well I'm not so sure... Operation Pitchfork is a pretty big operation, which may be beyond the ability of the game to support in the manner that everyone envisions, but our goal is to really have player actions become part of the universe's lore and fiction.
We've actually talked about once the game's live, we'd have part of the live team as almost a news team, but not a news team for today's world, it's a news team for our virtual world.
So they're paying attention to what the players are doing and when there's meaningful battles, or exploration, or intrigue, or events happening, they actually create in-fiction reporting content for it. Which could go as far as interviewing some of the players involved, then having it done up as news where, if you go into a bar, there's a program playing on the monitors and it's the 60 minutes of our universe, and it's talking about this event that happened on this side of the galaxy which was a player driven event.

If the player driven events are big enough or meaningful enough, our goal would be to run with them and also weave them into what we're doing with the universe. The way to think of it is the same way if you've ever played D&D a long time ago or any sort of tabletop roleplaying game, where the game master has his idea of the story he's taking them on, but he's always constantly taking what the players are doing and folding that in to what he's weaving you as a story. I mean that's the sign of a good game master. We're gonna try and do that with Star Citizen.

How will commanding work in battles?
Will we have some kind of strategic view of the area and can designate targets, objectives, and waypoints for individual players or designated wings?
Kind of an RTS view for commanders?

Commanding in space battles is gonna be interesting.
Obviously the capital ships are gonna be a large part of that, and there's multiple stations on the capital ships. On a future date we're gonna have a really in-depth, behind the scenes, sort of like a Death of a Spaceman piece about what we'll do on the big capital ships to show you the level of sophistication that we're trying on that and just how all these different stations inside the ship can work together.
'Cause just having a big ship is not gonna mean that you're gonna win a battle. You'll actually have to have a team of players that are operating the big ship well, in concert to be effective. I think that's true in real life, and it's gonna be pretty cool.

One of the things we're talking about is a commanding base, usually there'll be a "battle command". I don't know who will be designated the commander, but there will be sort of a big holo-sphere, and you're gonna see a very small version in the dogfighting even, in the radars which are holo-spheres. But the big ones will be much bigger areas and essentially you're looking at this sphere and you're clicking, you can see these digital, holographic, versions of the various ships and their positions. You can click and give them a command or drag an arrow over and say attack over here.
So you will essentially have an RTS view that you're communicating with. Then that from there will be sending messages to the person in his fighter, or in his bomber, or corvette, or whatever and say "You're required to attack this ship."
So it should be pretty cool. We're looking forward to it. That's sort of the Dogfight v3 level that I hinted at in another episode of 10 for the Chairman.

Has there been any more development on the racing aspect of Star Citizen?
Will we have betting and spectator systems?

We haven't done a huge amount of development on the racing part of Star Citizen, we're pretty heads down on just the space flight/dogfighting side. I will say that we do plan to make it a feature that there will be in-game betting and there will be a spectator ability.
We're gonna have a whole circuit that people can race on, just like we're gonna have an in-fiction e-sports version of the dogfight simulator, which is what we're gonna essentially be rolling out with the dogfighting module. The sim mode where it allows you to virtually take your ship out and fight other people to hone your skills as a pilot without actually risking your ship.
So those two things are things that we're planning to make almost into e-sports, but in-fiction e-sports. I think they'll be quite cool.

Will we get hangars for our orgs and will members be able to leave their ships there?
Maybe while flying an org owned ship?

Yes, we do have plans to have organization hangars which are much bigger.
They'll be shared and communal, we're gonna allow organizations to also be able to buy ships. I think I've said before organizations will be able to tithe a tax, demand fees, from their members, and they should be able to lend them out to various members to use. I would guess you would probably let players leave their ship there, especially if they're taking off in and organization owned ship.
So yes, the answer would be yes there.

How much time will it take for information to travel from one end of the playable space to the other since the communications do not travel at FTL speeds?

It's not 100% defined yet because that's sort of a balance, playable thing.
The way that the communications are gonna work is that it travels our in-fiction communication's speed. Which means that when you're in-system and someone beams a message, it gets beamed at the speed of light, and it gets beamed to a relay station, or a message station. This is in the structured universe where the UEE runs it and there's a lot of infrastructure. So one of these stations is right by a jump point so it gets all the information and then it will launch out a message drone or a messenger ship. It goes through the jump point to the other side, where there's probably another relay station, it's collected, then the data gets beamed across to another relay station and so-on and so-forth if it has to go multiple systems.

Essentially the speed of communication is based around the speed of light and how long that message would take to travel in system, and then it's instantaneous in between system jumps, except for the regularity or the schedule of the message drones or the messenger ships that go through the jump points. So in a very populated core system, that's happening all the time, but in a backwater system, it won't be very frequent at all.
In fact in some systems, there won't be any of that infrastructure. That's where inforunners and other people come in to account. Because they'll be taking missions to take information that's critical and as fast as they can. Especially if there's other people who want to stop that information getting there.

So in terms of game time, it's kind of hard to quantify, but I think we would probably limit it within the limits that I gave there. How long it would take you to actually transfer to a jump point and what the regularity is.
But obviously we recognize that people will be able to chat and talk to each other instantly, because if we don't provide it in the game, they're gonna be doing it outside the game anyway. So we're gonna provide it, but in terms of any goods or missions being accepted, missions being offered, all the in game stuff that we do control will all operate at the speed of communication in our universe.

There has been some talk about gravity generators being part of the ship mechanic. I was wondering if you could go into a little more depth as to how this will work if that system is taken offline.
For example, will we still be able to move about the ship without gravity? If so, how will this be done?
Or will the crew of your ship that's not belted in be stuck floating in place?

Ok, that's a good question. This is actually something we've been working on.
The first person shooter team has actually gotten 0g movement to a nice stage. We're gonna add more stuff, but you will essentially, if the gravity system gets turned off in your ship...
By the way, this is something you could use to mess with borders. Borders come in and you turn gravity off, then you're in 0g. So unless you've got magnetic boots, which we're also gonna let you have, you'll float around. When you're in 0g, we're also gonna let you push off walls and other elements, and certain suits will have thruster sets that will let you maneuver in 0g.

So it's gonna be a whole level of extra gameplay that's gonna be super cool, that's pretty different than a lot of the first person shooter gameplay that you're aware of. If you've seen Gravity with the pushing off, we're gonna have all that plus the thrusters maneuvering, which I guess you also saw a little bit in Gravity when they're outside, and you can use the gravity/no-gravity as a sort of a defense mechanism.
And if you're storming a ship, it may be a good idea to have magnetic boots that you can turn off and on. When you want to be walking around, you use the magnetic boots, when you want to get into 0g, you just turn off your electromagnet and then you're floating if you push yourself off.

If you have to space your cargo hold in the PU to avoid being boarded, will you be able to leave some kind of booby trap, like an explosive device or tracker hidden in the cargo?
Or maybe even an ink bomb like they use at the bank (That would be pretty funny). Something to make the pirates think twice?

That's a good question. I think there will be no reason why you wouldn't be able to have something on your cargo that could be an explosive device. Part of your cargo could be a bomb that you could remotely detonate. Or you could even have a tracker hidden in the cargo.

I think I mentioned on a previous 10 for the Chairman that we were working on the cargo system. One of the concepts was higher tier cargo containers could have sort of low-jack identification on it, whereas most of the basic ones don't. If you have one of those, if you gain one of those illicitly, it's much harder for you to sell one of those.
So I think we're definitely thinking of things to do that, and then of course there would be the counters for the pirates, because it's always fun to have this back and forth as far as that goes.

What will happen to everything we've achieved, earned, bought, etc at the end of the Persistent Universe alpha and beta?

That's a pretty good question, we haven't really thought that through properly yet. I would say that probably it won't carry through to the full game. There may be some case where we feel like we're in beta and that's good enough and that will carry through, but probably the early alpha stuff, like I think our first Persistent Universe test will be in one closed system, or two closed systems.
I think we'll probably do one system first and then we'll open up a couple extra systems with jump points and build up that way. For the early stages, yeah, I think it would not make sense to carry across all the stuff that you've earned from the unbalanced closed system into the main one, but at some point in beta it will be close enough to what it is, and then it will carry across.
But I haven't fully decided on that yet.

You mentioned in the beginning that there will also be mission disks for SQ42 (at least one).
Will a character be able to go "back" to do these mission disks of SQ42 after finishing the "original" campaign and moving on to the PU?

Yes, absolutely.
In fact, the additional Squadron 42 story packs or whatever will be written and designed to be such that they're expected to be after you've finished Squadron 42 and you've mustered out into the great galaxy as a whole.
So you definitely will be able to go back to them after finishing the original campaign and beginning the Persistent Universe.

With the voice chat, will we be able to just do a short range broadcast to everyone nearby?
If so, would I be able to charge into battle blasting out Ride of the Valkyries?

That's kind of cool. Yeah, definitely an apocalypse now moment there.
I think the way the voice chat is gonna work is that you can hail people, and then people can decide whether they want to listen to you. I don't know whether it would be they listen to you by default and then they can mute you, or they have to accept listening to you in the first place, but you definitely will be able to broadcast in close range a message or potentially play music. And if people have their comm-channels open, they will hear it.
We just need to be sensitive to how we set that up in such a way that people can't use it to abuse other people because you don't want people being obnoxious. Which people are quite known to do in online games.
But we definitely would like to get a voice-over IP running in the game, and then we just figure out the right system for you being able to broadcast people and people being able to accept whether they want to listen to you or not.

Noticiarios / 10 for the Chairman - Episode 16 - April 14th, 2014
« en: 20 de Mayo de 2014, 16:07:44 »
Transcripción por Liudeius en RSI

Hi Chris, what would be the biggest ship that a player can buy (legally) and park in the hangar?
An Idris, or could I dream of owning a Javelin and have it safely "stored" in my hangar?

I don't think you'd be able to buy anything bigger than an Idris that could go in your hangar, and maybe even the Idris may not be able to fit in your hangar. We're still trying to figure out what we'll do for the bigger ship, one of the things we've talked about is having them in an orbit and then you take a shuttle down to the surface.

So you'll certainly be able to hang out on the ships you've got, but maybe instead of being in the hangar, you're in orbit, and you look out of the windows and there's space and the planet you're around outside it. We haven't fully figured that stuff out, but that's what our thoughts are on that.

On the topic of procedural generation planet side, when and if this technology comes to fruition post release, what can we expect to see included with it besides exploration and atmospheric flight?
Will we see some new procedurally generated planets in addition to the ones already in the verse that are just barren?
Is it also possible that this procedural generation will extend into jump points as well and actually facilitate the creation of new planets and areas?

Yeah, we're doing the R&D right now, so actually the first thing that we're doing with procedural generation is researching asteroid generation, asteroid field generation, the ability to mine asteroids using voxel technology, so finding the seams of minerals inside asteroids.
Then the planets to extend it to system generation so we can generate different styles of systems using the procedural tech.
Then move on to celestial bodies like planets in terms of the generation of them from the exterior.
And then the later stages will be procedural work for the environments you land in. We would have certain areas that we would design, and then just flesh out the background city or the background landscape beyond the area that you can explore.

And very, very, very long term, if we can figure out a way to make the planet actually interesting, we would be interested in trying to make a planet that you can actually go fly around over the surface. But that's actually the pipe dream at the moment, because even with procedural generation, you have to do a lot of other things like build cities and what's happening on the planet, and having all that simulated. We're already trying to do a whole universe and have an economy and all that work, so I wouldn't promise anything on that yet.
But we certainly are doing research into seeing, could we extend the areas down on the planet, can you fly down onto a planet and fly around it? And if we can do all that, that would be great.

I know that there are a couple of demos and games out there that are promising it, but it's one thing to show it as a general concept and it's empty, and another one to actually have it be interesting and feel like it's a proper living breathing, realistic planet.
So anyway, that's the update on the procedural generation side, I think it will really help us flesh out the galaxy and the systems and the locations that you can visit and a lot of the other stuff.

Are NPCs a finite figure in the galaxy? Could it be possible that entire races could be wiped out?
Or are the NPC stock refilled to maintain set numbers as they are killed?

The population count is driven by the economy too, so as a place becomes more prosperous it will attract more people to move there, or because it's doing well, you would assume that the population there would be growing. Then other places the population would be contracting because that part of the galaxy's not doing so well or is getting involved in battles or wars.

So the numbers of NPCs in the galaxy will probably fluctuate a certain amount, but probably not enough that you'll be able to see a material difference in the overall galaxy. Probably in local systems, you'll appreciate whether this system's booming and there's a lot more people there, or it's not doing very well and there's less people there. And I'm not so sure that you could wipe out an entire race.
If we did that, that would be more of a controlled, game master event, but right now we have no plans for that. So I wouldn't say that the NPC stocks are a set number that we always refill to, we let it be organic, but like I said, it will probably fluctuate around a mean.

Could you please elaborate on the Person of Interest (PoI) system?
How will we be setting other people to be PoIs to ourselves?
Will it require authorization from the other person, or can anyone set anyone else to be a PoI to them, given that they know the name they're looking for?

The idea of the person of interest system is you basically say "I'm interested in this person over there," and the other person doesn't really have any awareness that you've tagged that person as someone that you want the game to let follow.
Maybe we would have some devices that you could have to let you know that someone's watching you or snooping on you, which would be sort of like counter insurgency stuff, but the idea of the person of interest system is that way when they leave the planet, you get notified and you have the opportunity to follow them, fly with them in space, and deal with them. It's sort of like tagging someone as a temporary friend. Not that they're necessarily a friend, but it allows you to follow their movements or meet them out in space or track them, which is necessary if you're meant to track someone down for a bounty or whatever.

That's kind of how the person of interest system is designed to work, so we'll see how it works in reality, but I'm hoping it will work well, because it will put you together with either your friends or people you're interested in, or people that would be related to what your group is doing, your enemies and stuff.

It's clear that the universe will be filled with NPCs, but will some of those NPCs want to join player-made factions?
Can I look forward to my little cult having NPC followers, player pirate clans having NPC raiding parties, or player corporations having NPCs asking for jobs, or will player run orgs only be allowed player members/ships?

I guess the answer to that is certainly if you're running a company, you can hire NPCs to do work for you as well as players. So definitely we'd let NPCs be working with player run corporations.
I'm not so sure about NPCs joining player made factions, other than say the corporation you're running, but you certainly can hire people. You can have people on your crew, and then you are part of the organization, and you've got a full crew of NPCs.

So in that manner, you could think that there would be NPCs who would be fighting on behalf of organizations, but it's not like NPCs will be coming up and asking to join an organization by themselves, if that makes sense.
Player pirate clans may have NPCs as part of them, but that would be because they were hired by a real player pirate to have some crew on his ship or something like that.

Hello Chris, we already know that the ship damage mechanics are pretty detailed, but what about our characters?
Will there be localized damage, different kinds of wounds, and lasting effects (bleeding, broken bones)?
What about field medicine and emergency treatment by S&R teams?

Yes, we're gonna have localized damage on the characters. We actually have a whole body/limb damage system.
I think I mentioned in the Death of a Spaceman post about how when you get killed out in space, and you revive in the med bay, as you take more and more hits, then maybe you get a prosthetic arm or a robotic arm or something like that.

We'll definitely have fairly decent damage in the first person stuff, and we've got medpacks and even a med bay. If you have a ship that has its own medical center, you may be able to take a player who normally if you didn't take him, he would lose a life and do the death of a spaceman, but if you could take him back to the med bay and fix him up, it saves him.

Hopefully there will be a whole bunch of first person gameplay that would also involve you and you team boarding, and then you not only try to take the ship over, but if you take some hits and some gets hurt, you'll also want to be taking your wounded comrade back to a medical facility to fix him up within a certain period of time, because if not, he will die and lose a life. We're actually hoping to have some interesting, fun gameplay. Maybe some people fly around with a ship that has a med bay to fix people up if you're boarding, or all that kind of stuff. It could be really cool.

With regards to characters retiring or dying, will you be incorporating something to track the history of the characters?
Or some way of creating an ancestral tree?

Absolutely, that's the whole idea I talked about in Death of a Spaceman which was to give a sense of history and identity to your family tree. I would see that you would, if you do some notable things, you would get an entry in the galactipedia, and the galactipedia could probably talk about what your tree or family has been doing.

And you certainly would have some level of that in your own journal, but I'm actually thinking what would probably happen is that you would have your own entry in the galactipedia and it would talk about your family tree and maybe when you become a certain level of fame, that becomes available for everyone to see, but until then, it's just your own personal log of what your family history has been up to.

So yes, the idea is to look back and say "my great, great grandfather did this, my grandfather did that, my father did this, and I've done this." That would really be kind of cool.

Will there be large scale dynamic events in the game such as full-scale ware between the UEE and the Vanduul or Xi'an?
It would be very cool to have such massive galaxy spanning events.

We are definitely going to do large scale dynamic events in the game, some of them will involve military conflict, or something smaller... It could be perhaps a natural disaster on a planet or a system and people have to bring aid in.
We're planning to have a lot of these player driven events or events that the players can effect and participate in. That's definitely part of the plan.

I know you're working on a rating system that anyone can see how people have rated an individual.
Is there going to be a way that you can tag people with ratings that either only you can see, or you can see just your rating of the individual (rather than the average of everyone's)?
That way if I have a really good encounter, I can tag a player as a 5 star individual and then even if I forget details or even the person's name, I will still know I tagged them as a 5 star individual if I run into them again?

Yeah, the idea is we're gonna rate in the way that a car service here in America called Uber does, Where you rate the person that worked for you, who you've hired, and the person you've hired rates you. I think we would probably break it out in such a way that you would see, if you encounter someone again, you would see their average rating and then also, if you had ever worked with them before, the rating that you gave them. So I guess the answer there would be yes on that.

Will there be jump routes that simple are not tranversable for the larger ships?
Something like an Idris+ size or a or Constellation+ size might not be able to make this jump based on current mapping data whereas an Aurora can make the jump without issue.

Yeah, short answer for that is yes, we are actually thinking about that.
We're thinking that there would potentially be some jump points or jump routes that would be unstable or small enough that the bigger ships can't go through and smaller ships would have to go through. And we think that would make it interesting, like a mountain pass. Some mountain passes are big and you can fit a lot of people through, and some are small and you can only fit one through the craggy little pathway.

So yes, we are definitely doing that, we haven't fully figured out what are the pros and cons of what classifies jump points that way or what the situations are, but that's part of our thinking to make space traversal more interesting.
Maybe an info runner, a smaller ship, can get a more direct route because they can go through some smaller, unstable jump points that a really big ship can't get through. So it would make for interesting gameplay.

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